
LESS THAN HALF A DAY A short love story pt.9 - Christos Chrissopoulos

When she said she didn’t want me, and my throat and my lungs clenched, it wasn’t for love, because how do I know what love is? It was because she drove her fist up breaking the surface of the night sky. And after that, nothing happened.

Vibed by: CC 4 views 7 comments comment | delete
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Saturday, March 19, 2011

Tara says:
What are you doing here? Some sort of self-pity?
CC says:
Why are you following?
Tara says:
I don’t know. You continue to surprise me.
CC says:
You should have said it earlier.
Tara says:
You understood nothing?
CC says:
You only said “you are nice”.
Tara says:
This thread takes us nowhere.

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